Developmental Editing

What is developmental editing? To me, it’s a combination of big picture visioning and minute detail; it’s reading your work closely first as a reader, then as an editor; it’s asking tough questions and having conversations that will best serve your work.

Your work can be an essay or a full-length manuscript. I focus on creative nonfiction, primarily memoir. I read for elements of story (plot, pacing, character development, dialogue, etc) and elements of craft (rhythm and music, tone, flow, voice, lyricism, syntax, structure and organization, grammar, punctuation, etc).

My feedback is given both as a reader and an editor, meaning I’ll note when something moved me, when something confused me, when I was truly engrossed and when I struggled to keep going. From my experience, I know every manuscript has all of these elements; it’s my job to partner with you to strengthen your manuscript by focusing on what works and fixing what doesn’t.

This full developmental editing package includes:

  • At least 3 close readings of your work: one as a reader (this means I read all the way through, from beginning to end, before I re-read to offer feedback) and two as an editor
  • A detailed, written report with in-line notes and suggested edits
  • Unlimited email communication during the process
  • Up to three phone calls if you so desire (each phone call not to exceed 45 minutes).

Fee: $1500.00 for manuscripts up to 300 pages; $2.50 each additional page (page count is calculated by word count: 275 words constitute one page)